About The Great Twelve Sailing Challenge
Founded in
Livery Companies
People Attending
The Great Twelve Sailing Challenge was founded in 2004 by the Ironmongers Company. The Warden of Ironmongers’ Livery and Yeomanry at that time found it difficult to engage the younger liverymen and freemen of the Company. New members of livery companies are often daunted by splendid livery halls, white or black-tie dinners and many older people who seem to know everyone. When they do go to events they probably only speak to one or two other Freeman that they engage in pleasantries on arrival or sit next to at dinner. This sometimes has the effect of discouraging them from attending and eventually they do not attend anything. What a waste! It was conceived that a sporting event away from the City involving both old and young might bring not only members of the same company but freemen from all the livery companies together.
“When I arrived I didn’t know anyone. By the time I left I had made some great friends. I am looking forward to coming again!”
Sea View Yacht Club on the Isle of Wight
Sea View Yacht Club on the Isle of Wight is a club that charters its fleet of Mermaid boats to visitors. In 2003 they were looking to expand their charterers and having twelve boats in the fleet the match between the Twelve Great Companies of the City and twelve mermaids seemed to fit. All twelve were invited but it was three years before all twelve actually attended. In the first year from the very start at supper it was clear that the weekend was going to be a success. Many freemen had never met others within their own company.
The races had been designed for the ‘younger’ freemen to race with each other and the older freemen to race with their peers in the morning. In the afternoon the top young teams would race against the top older teams and the bottom six from young and old would race against each other thereby mixing everybody up.

Practice makes perfect
In recent years we have introduced a practise sail on Friday evening which has proved to be very popular. It allows the better sailors to hone their skill, whilst those less familiar with the boats gives them an opportunity to find their way around.
If you would like to have a practice in a Mermaid on Friday evening by chartering a boat or joining a crew please use our on line booking form.
The Lord Mayors Appeal
A Better City for All. An Inclusive City. A Healthy City. A Skilled City. A Fair City
For more information on the Lord Mayors Appeal please visit https://www.thelordmayorsappeal.org

This year’s Great Twelve Sailing Challenge will take place in Seaview on